I am developing MTP host application using MTP Porting Kit supported by Microsoft.
My test environment is the followings;
OS: WIndows 7 32bit
Testing Device: Samsung Galaxy S2 with android 4.0.3
Development Tool: Visual Studio 2012
On the above environment, First I connected the device with PC.
I found two hardware paths:
#1: "\\\\?\\wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_samsung&prod_shw-m250s&rev_0001#8&1184305d&0&00091adf365c7f&0##{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}"
#2: "\\\\?\\wpdbusenumroot#umb#2&37c186b&0&storage#volume#_??_usbstor#disk&ven_samsung&prod_shw-m250s_card&rev_0001#8&1184305d&0&00091adf365c7f&1##{6ac27878-a6fa-4155-ba85-f98f491d4f33}"
Next I replaced the macro DEVICEPORTNAME_DEFAULT defined as "\\\\.\\wpdusb0" in mtphost_main.c, with the first path.
And compiled then run the mtphost.exe and it displayed "Open Failed".
In detail, the function, SetUsbscanTimeout, caused an error ( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED).
What's wrong?
Please let me know the reason.