Dear all,
I use VS2010 and CodedUI, and my idea is to Start the testing proess by the following code, and afterward the CodedUI playback will perform the action on the instantiated application
But I find that the CodedUI cannot get the focus from the new Application after started... How can I set the new process thread to Focus so that the Coded UI can continue the action/script onto the new App
I'm using VB.NET and .NET 4.0
Best Regards
<TestMethod()><TestCategory("TestCaseLabel:Module=MiscFunctions:Function=23")><TestCategory("TestCaseLabel:Module=PreTest")> Public Sub TestMethod_23_StartExe_001() Dim startCommand As String = "C:\TEMP\MyApp.exe" Dim startArgu As String = "" Dim myAppProcess As Process = Process.Start(startCommand, startArgu) End Sub