I am trying to change the image in a picturebox depending on what label is hovered over. so ive named the pictures with the imagename in them.
Private Sub lbls_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblDoctC.MouseHover, _
lblCanaS.MouseHover, LblCanaSSide.MouseHover, LblChocS.MouseHover, lblCybeS.MouseHover
'this bit gets the fours letters corresponding to the image name in the filepath
Dim pic As String = sender.name.substring(3, 4)
Dim hovered As String = Application.StartupPath & "\logic\" & pic & ".jpg"
'this bit is supposed to get the picturebox to equal the filepath "hovered"
picHover.Image = hovered
End Sub
however, i get the error on the '= hovered' that says "Value of type string cannot be converted to 'system.drawing.image'"
I've tried with my.resources (that wont let me use the & for the 'pic' value)
Any and all help would be nice