I am in the process of converting my VB 6.0 programs to VS 2010 (vb.net). I have been reading and reading how to books and I'm getting so frustrated in this process that I'm thinking that vb.net is not what I want to be using. Nevertheless, I'm still trying and I think if I could just get a few equivalent solutions completed, I will understand what is going on. Many of my programs read sequential files and use the information in data bases for reference. I use Access tables frequently in my 6.0 code and have become fairly competent using the tables. I have been using the book, MS Visual Basic 2010, Step by Step by Michael Halvorson as my guide and I have read it from cover to cover. But I'm still confused For example, in my 6.0 code I use Public Functions and Subs to do much of my work, but in VS 2010 I keep getting that my statement is not valid in a Namespace.
Another example, VS 2010 removed the use of the TYPE statement and DIM SS as string * 3. that is okay. But if I want to read/write a fixed length record with using a single variable as defined by the TYPE variable, how can it be done. Here is an example of what I did in 6.0:
Type AllFiles
FileNo As Integer ' 001 Number of file or Number of files in this file
FileDesc As String * 42 ' 003 full folder name
filename As String * 15 ' 045 name of file (prefix)
FileExt As String * 3 ' 060 name extension (suffix)
FileFree As String * 2 ' 063 Free space
End Type ' 065
Public FilesRec As AllFiles
open filename for random as #1 len=len(AllFiles)
get #1, rec, FilesRec
put #1, rec, FilesRec
close #1
This used to be so easy, but now it appears to be so complicated that I get lost. I would love to see a VS 2010 equivalence code for the above code.
Then there is the accessing of data in the access tables. In my reference book, there are examples of how to store a complete table onto a grid. My problems are primarily using the data as opposed to listing it in a grid. in VB6 I could open the table and then reference the fields of the table by their variable names like !Record or !FileNo. I didn't see any references to this process at all and it appears that a person needs to know a million different properties before he can do a simple read and write of an Access table. This is obviously an exaggeration and I admit I'm still learning how to code in VS, but VB 6.0 code was at least logical in its operations and you didn't have to know hidden secrets.
I want to learn this and maybe even convert all my 6.0 programs to VS, but I can't understand why it has been made so difficult. I guess I was hoping that when there wasn't a straight conversion from 6.0 to VS there would be a function or subroutine you can call to make it compatible. If that process exists, that would be great, but I have not found one as yet.
I guess I sound like a ship without a rudder, but I'm hoping other people have gone through this process and can offer some assistance.
<object height="1" id="plugin0" style=";z-index:1000;" type="application/x-dgnria" width="1"><param name="tabId" value="{9024F5C1-E130-4819-A3CD-ECE8324E4FB7}" /></object>