The problem:
Part of the output is corrupted. All originally english descritptions (e.g. errors names like NullReferenceExceptions) are left in english and are well readable, also part of the text like build results in Build Console also in english and readable. The text
that is corrupted is the description for errors from the Stack Trace that I believe was supposed to be translated to local language. I write the StackTraces from my failing tests to log file and it is filled with "Ссылка РЅР° объекС".
I have VS 2012 Ultimate. Base version was in Russian but immidiatly after installation I installed English language pack and switched to it. Also Update 1 was out at that time and I updated to it (don't remember that language a chose). Now I have Update
2 on top as well but the problem was before it.
What I tried:
- switching language back to Ru in VS - didn't help at all
- found the atricle on msdn on the same theme and switched the language for programs without Unicode to En from Ru, that didn't help but then I switched back it helped (all text was in english)!... untill next system load.
That last try convinsed me that the problem actually can be fixed without even trying to reinstall the VS, because the installation is really slow, and Update 2 installation is two times slower than the installation of original pure VS - I don't want to repeat
Thanks in advance.