I am trying to learn VB (within Vis Studio 10), but I have spent the last 15 years developing Cobol applications. What I am trying to determine is if there is a way to create multi-level grouped data elements similar to what I can do in Cobol.
For Instance, In Cobol, I can define a data element as;
01 MainElement.
05 SubElement1 Pic X(10).
05 SubElement2Pic X(20).
In the program, I can manipulate the data at the sub element, or I can manipulate it at the Main Element level. I have been searching and searching, and have seen uses of the Structure Statement. However, I have not been able to use it the way I wish to. I figure it either cannot be used in the same manner, or I am not using it correctly. If someone has a way to do what I am doing in Cobol, I would appreciate the help. If I am chasing my tail, that info would be good to know too.