I have a reportviewer on a asp.net 4.5 web forms in Visual Studio 2012. It uses a local report .rdlc file and binds to a data source that connects to Oracle 10g. The code of the report viewer is as followings:
<rsweb:ReportViewerID="ReportViewer1"runat="server"Font-Names="Verdana"Font-Size="8pt"><LocalReport ReportEmbeddedResource="FMCustomer.ReportSecJob.rdlc" ReportPath="ReportSecJob.rdlc">
<rsweb:ReportDataSource DataSourceId="DataSetSecJob" Name="DataSetSecJob" />
There are three errors I have been encountered.
1. if the reportPath= above is not assigned the name of the report then the error shows up:
An error occurred during local report processing. The report definition for report 'ReportHomeRpt1' has not been specified. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This error is fixed by adding the name of the report to reportPath=. This solution is provided on the internet by searching the error message.
2. Now the error message is "The DataSourceID of the ReportDataSource 'DataSetSecJob' of the ReportViewer 'ReportViewer1' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource. A control with ID 'DataSetSecJob' could not be found." I cannot find a solution to it.
3. if you go to the reportviewer1 smart tag and select "Choose Data Sources", and then click to expend several levels of "Data Source Instance" in the right column of the "Choose Data Sources" windows, the visual Studio 2012 closes by itself without any warnings and message! This could be a bug.