Today i'm issued with a problem. I've VS2012 Up2 Ultimate (+WDK8), Windows 8 x64 Pro.
For a particular purposes i was required to write a small driver. I started an empty WDM project, built it, then i ran into a problem with signing a driver.
I configured it in the project settings to sign a driver with a WDK test certificate. It was signed with it, so i got *.sys *.pdb and *.cer on output. Also certeficate was automatically stored at the Personal store.
but NtLoadDriver nor the SCM didnt gave a correct result. LastErr always was 533 (digital signature mismatch) Of course it works with digital signature check turned off, but this is not solution. I tried to move this cert to the Trusted Root Certification, but the result was the same.
What i need to make it work with test cert?