I am getting sick and tired of the children, who run these forums, that think I do not know how to download software. I have been trying to download a copy of Visual Studio 2013 since Dec of 2013. And though I have said on more than one occassion there is something wrong with the site (it isn't just my laptop, I have attempted to download from different machines) I have just been dismissed and passed on to someone else, who knew no more than the previous person. I am a 22+ year veteran of using Microsoft tools and have been able to download them in the past so quit treating me like I do not know what I am doing.
Right now, though MS offers the professional edition as a separate SKU independent of the MSDN, I can't get it to download, no matter what I do (yes I have cleared my cache and yes I have tried from different machines). FIX YOUR WEBSITE OR AT LEAST ASSIGN SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW AND WANTS TO HELP ME AND WON"T DISMISS ME AS SOME SORT OF NEWB! Because believe me, when you get to my age you will not appreciate the children, that Microsoft hires in the future, who dismiss your concerns and issues as just someone who "just isn't with it".
Signed a Microsoft User who knows more about the history and tools of Microsoft than the people Microsoft hires (and that is without having to waste money on your specialized classes)