I posted this question yesterday - but on the windows site. Sorry for duplication:
I have recently had a factory reset on the laptop so have downloaded 2013 VS express again and have got recent updates (including update 2).
On trying to sign into my account from VS I get this message:
SP324098: Your browser could not complete the operation.
There are then links to "see current service status" and "Additional Error Information"
Occasionally I get an error message about setting cookies or javascript, but recently it has been the SP324098.
The default browser should be firefox, but when I click the Additional Error link it opens in IE 11 at :
No extra info is given. ***
*** It now opens in forefox but at the same page - not sure why this is.
I have tried various IE settings - medium security as well as the default medium-high. The cookies are set to prompt me for all types. I have tried enabling all cookies to no avail.
On firefox it is set as always to "ask me every time" for cookies - and on checking cookies now countless microsoft ones are present. Everything is for session only. Javascript is enabled. Redirections are currently allowed. Ghostery is present. These were the settings prior to the factory reset and they did not cause me any problems then.
I can log in to the microsft account directly on firefox , but it is impossible to sign in to the VS 2013 express.
Just to complicate things - I registered for the overnight windows app event (//Publish//) on London on May 16th this am. I did not get a confirmation email so I tried to re-register. Everytime I allow all cookies, and I then get asked to sign in to my account (even if it is open on another tab).
I get the page with my microsoft account email and am prompted to enter the password. I do this and when I press enter the page just refeshes with the password part blank again. Is this related? This problem is present on my aged windows 7 laptop as well. (Same firefox settings - obviously no VS express 2013 on this machine).
Any help would be welcome. Thank you.
Today - stilll the same error. I tried:
I made IE the default browser - this has no ghostery etc.
added https://*.visualstudio.com to the trusted site - and unticked the server verification option
allowed all cookies first and third parties
changed every security setting to the least restrictive ,
but I still get the same error. Am totally stuck and am wondering what to do next.
Many thanks .