I usually develop windows applications but this time i am developing a web application on ASP.NET.
I have installed IIS7 on my laptop, i am using Visual studio 2013 for the project, database connectivity is SQL2008.
I was having issues with accessing metabase while loading my project, but i resolved this issue by going to the folder 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config' and granting myself acces to its folder and sub folders. however now when i try to debug my code on the website an error message comes up as 'Unable to start debugging on the web server. IIS does not list a website that matches the launched URL'. i have looked everywhere on the internet the only solutions availabe are:
1. Checking the iis 6 option in adding windows features(which i have done) and
2. running VS as administrator (which i do not want to do)
is there any other option to fix this issue.
I am not running VS as administrator because then while connecting my classes to the database the connection string uses integrated security which uses my local admin(laptop admin) which is not a user on the SQL server. i do not want to add this local admin as a user in my sql server (just to keep things tidy).
There must be a way to do it. if anyone knows it please let me know.
Thank you