I need to build a software that checks the button in spesific times and if it enabled then just click it. But this website has a table in it and buttons id is dynamic. Let me explain the situation:
<tr><td><font size = 2><center>BİL 114<td><font size = 2><center>1<td><font size = 2>Bilgisayar Programlama II<td><font size = 2><center>4<td><font size = 2><center>0<td><font size = 2><center>15<td><font size = 2><center>Yok<td><center><form name "prg" method="post" action="dersprogrami.php?tur=ders" target="_blank"><input type=submit name=dd_prog[2546] value="Göster"></form><td><font size = 2><center>-<td><center><select name = dd_dersturu[2546]><option value="2">Bölüm S</option><option value="3">Fakülte S</option><option value="4">ÜS1</option><option value="5">ÜS2</option><option value="6">Dinleyici</option><option value="9">Serbest S</option><option value="10">Bilim S</option></select><td><center><input type=submit name=anadal_ekle[2546] value=" Ekle " METHOD ="POST" action=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]><tr>
As you can see I need to click "anadal_ekle[2456]" but the number between parenthesis is dynamic. I thoght checking the whole row to find the button but I don't know how to check the whole row. I only know take a look at the page, if it finds the spesific key that we search than click on it. I did a research but I couldnt find anything. I hope you guys can help me.
PS: Sorry for the code above I know it is too bad to read but please give it a try...