I have a text resource "{0} by Test GmbH" which is correctly spelled because GmbH is the official Abbreviation for "Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung". I understand that Microsoft CodeAnalysing tries to tokenize it into "Gmb" and "H" however I think it should be possible to introduce this term as known with that specific spelling and casing with this CodeAnalysingDictionary:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Dictionary><Words><Unrecognized></Unrecognized><Recognized><Word>Gmbh</Word></Recognized><Deprecated></Deprecated><DiscreteExceptions><Term>GmbH</Term></DiscreteExceptions></Words><Acronyms><CasingExceptions><Acronym>GmbH</Acronym></CasingExceptions></Acronyms></Dictionary>
However it does not work out:
CA1703 Resource strings should be spelled correctly In resource 'MyCode.Properties.Resources.resx', referenced by name 'CopyrightWithCompanyName', correct the spelling of 'Gmb' in string value '{0} by Test GmbH'.
How can I adjust the dictionary correctly?