Dear reader
How to select few columns and distinct values from a datatable....?
I have a large datatable and just want to assign a view columns of it to a datagridview and need a distinct selection on one of the columns....
I tried dozens of examples i can find here but none of them worked really when converted to my needs.... which is due my nooby-ism i guess... i know how to programm work arounds but that will ask a lot of code where the answer should be much easier in my believe.... so anyone advanced plz help..
For example
I have a filled datatable dtFilled with lets say 10 columns, called col1, col2 .... col10
And col10 has values like "Hoi", "hello", "ola", "sainbanuu" (which is Mongolian :o) which assume has only this 4 distinct values
So how to get col9 and col10 into a datagridview (maybe with help of an additional datatable) where all distinct values from col10 are listed
For example
col9 col10
value hello
value Hoi
value ola
value sainbanuu