Hello all, I'm sorry I have no idea where I should of posted this particular thing... :( anyways,
I am trying to make a simple tracking program and I am at a loss of where I should begin. I've used this before and it was mega helpful in a lot of ways.
What I have so far is the form made but from that point I'm at a loss. Basically it is a program with N, S, E, and W button and a Coordinate label that displays the current coordinate it starts at {X=0, Y=0} then their is also a Go 1 button and a Go 10 button so how it functions is like first:
I click the lets say the E (East) Button >
Then I click the Go 10 button >
The label will change to {X=10, Y=0}.
A continuation of said example would be:
I then click S (South) >
Followed by Go 1 >
The label would then be {X=10, Y=-1}...
Hopefully that makes sense but that's what I am currently trying to achieve.