help me please.
My name us Antonio I'm from Brazil
A have a program of VB6 botton
Private sub C1_focus()
Dim Area as Workspace
Dim query as string
dim XXb as Database
Set XX = Area.openDataBase(App.path & *\Cad.Mdb" , false, false)
query = "Select max(C1 from Cad"
Set dyn = XXB.openRecordSet(query)
DBEngine.idle dbFreeLocks
if not dyn.EOF then
if not IsNull(dyn(0) then
C1 = Format$(Val(dyn(0)) + 1, "0000")
C= "000'"
end if
end if
end sub
Well, a need same program in VB10 Express
Can I to do.?
Excluse me that language. Thanks